Next week we will begin the task of packing and looking a place to rent in the SLC area. With the many moves in the last few years, I have relied on's Forums for information about a new location. I have always found the different threads to be informative. SLC seems to be a tricky one though. There are way too many conversations about Mormons versus Non-Mormons when describing the different areas of town. I do not really care. My concerns have always been our safety. I am more concerned about my neighbors trying to rob or kill me than their religion. It is really difficult to dig down with all of the arguing about religion. I did glean one good tidbit. is "Utah's version of Craigslist" and its classifieds are significantly better than Craigslist.
I perused the "homes for rent" section of the online classifieds. All I really know about the sections of town is "east is better than west". So, a friend of a friend just recently left the SLC area after several years of living there. His suggestions were the suburb of Sandy, avoid West Valley and Kearns as well as reinforcing the "east is better than west" advice. The rent prices in Sandy were too high for a single family home. I am an adult and not about to live in someone's basement. You can call it an "up-down duplex" but it is still a basement apartment.
I did find two areas that seem promising. Provo is south of SLC and the rent was more reasonable. It would be quite a commute if my husband had a job in the northern part of SLC. The other is the Sugarhouse area of SLC. We were told it is an older neighborhood but not bad and warned to stay away from the Rose Park area.
We have a little bit more information but in reality, we need to get to SLC and take a look at things for ourselves. It is getting exciting.