Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Not in Utah

I saw a commercial for a CNBC special on Costco - "The Costco Craze: Inside the Warehouse Giant". I am a Costco fan so I recorded it on the DVR. When my husband and I watched it, we learned something new about Utah. This was not because Utah was mentioned in the special but a segment that alerted us to the fact that Utah Costco stores are different from the other Costco stores in the U.S. This difference is that none of the nine Costco stores offer wine. The segment in question discussed the fact that because of Costco's buying power, the buyer for the Kirkland wine label is one of the most powerful wine buyers in the world. My husband and I do not drink alcohol so we had never noticed that our Costco did not have a section for wine or that it should have it.

09/26/2012 UPDATE: Due to a law change, the Utah Costco stores are now selling alcohol. So far, we have seen beer. Still no wine section.